I do most of my work in Python, because (1) it’s the most popular (non-web) programming language in the world, (2) sklearn
is just so good, and (3) the Pythonic Style just makes sense to me (cue “you … complete me”). HOWEVAH, if R’s tidyverse
+ ggplot2
isn’t still the undisputed King of data wrangling and plotting, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.
And so I find myself constantly attempting to achieve tidyverse
-style, idiomatic streamlining in my Jupyter notebook or Colab sessions. This blog post is my attempt to share a couple lessons learned with the world — at least, the parts of the world who work in pandas
and have perhaps an exposure to the #tidyverse #rstats.
This blog is not an all-encompassing intro to pandas — a more thorough intro is here, a great Rosetta Stone of pandas/dplyr is here, and there’s an entertaining tour of Python viz options here.
My mission is to see how much I can make pandas+seaborn feel like tidyverse+ggplot2. In particular, one of the great joys of working in the tidyverse is being able to do a complicated wrangling job in one continuous pipe, without any intermediary objects. So my main goal in this post is to see how much single-chain tidyverse wrangling I can do as single-chain pandas. Tom Augspurger does an intro here, but I’d like to push the envelope a little and explore the differences from an R user’s perspective: there’s a lot of one-to-one mappings from tidyverse-to-pandas, I’d like to see where exactly it breaks down.
tl;dr tidyverse
+ ggplot2
is better, but we can get 90% of the way there in Python with just pandas
+ seaborn
(thus the title of this blog…), without needing any bleeding-edge copy-cat packages like plotnine
, dplython
, ggpy
, etc.
I’ll use the diamonds
dataset since it’s available through ggplot2
(here’s a description of the fields) and seaborn
, so there’s lots of examples on both sides of the house. You can also grab it here.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = sns.load_dataset('diamonds')
carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55.0 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61.0 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
3 0.23 Good E VS1 56.9 65.0 327 4.05 4.07 2.31
4 0.29 Premium I VS2 62.4 58.0 334 4.20 4.23 2.63
5 0.31 Good J SI2 63.3 58.0 335 4.34 4.35 2.75
And here’s a cool site on the 4 C’s of diamond quality because I know y’all are too lazy to google it!
vs. dplyr
…The basic mapping of dplyr
to pandas
dplyr |
pandas |
mutate |
assign |
select |
filter |
rename |
rename |
filter |
query |
arrange |
sort_values |
group_by |
groupby |
summarize |
agg |
There are of course many others (on both sides of the table), but this is a good start.
Next up: the beloved “pipe” operator %>%
in the Tidyverse (actually due to the magrittr
package) allows you to turn nested operations into chains, like this:
# turn this ...
filter(select(df, carat, color), color == 'E')
# into this ...
df %>%
select(carat, color) %>%
filter(color == 'E')
which is lovely to read. We can achieve the same effect in pandas
because data is represented as a class instance of pandas.DataFrame
, so we can do successive method calls like this:
.filter(['carat', 'color'])
.query('color == "E"')
carat color
1 0.23 E
2 0.21 E
3 0.23 E
Of note: gotta wrap the whole thing in parantheses (what is this, Lisp?), or else end each line with a backslash (ugh). The quotes in query
need to be single-outside, double-inside (or the reverse), not all the same. You need to pass a list
of columns to filter-in (dplyr: select). Everything’s in quotes, all the time, no tidyeval quosures or whatnot here.
Overall though, our mapping is right on track so far.
Let’s try a slightly trickier one.
# dplyr
df %>%
select(starts_with('c')) %>%
filter(cut %in% c('Ideal', 'Premium')) %>%
group_by(cut, color, clarity) %>%
summarize(avgcarat = mean(carat, na.rm=TRUE),
n = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(avgcarat)) %>%
… or …
# python
.query('cut in ["Ideal", "Premium"]')
.groupby(['cut', 'color', 'clarity'])
.agg(['mean', 'size'])
.sort_values(by=('carat', 'mean'), ascending=False)
mean size
cut color clarity
Ideal J I1 1.990000 2
Premium I I1 1.605833 24
J I1 1.578462 13
SI2 1.554534 161
Ideal H I1 1.475526 38
Not bad, and we are almost exactly one-to-one with dplyr
, but some things to note:
, but that is definitely worse. Or led off with the slice (df[df.columns.str.startswith('c')]...)
but that’s clunky and ruins the chain pattern. Just learn a little regex I guess?query
command is really nice and idiomatic (dare I say better???).agg
command. First, it silently drops non-numeric columns since we asked for a mean, which means just the carat column is left, which is all we wanted anyway. But if, for example, color were numeric, it’d be giving us the means for that column too. The “size” command is analogous to n()
, and measures the number of rows in a group for a particular column, in this case for carat. This is a bit weird to me, “size” should not be a sub-property of carat, it should be its own column, but there doesn’t appear to be a way to do that (unless you create a dummy column with .assign(n=1) ... .agg({'n': 'size'}))
happening in the rows and columns. We can get rid of the row multi-index by calling reset_index()
(helpful later for plotting), similar to ungroup()
in dplyr, but I’m not sure how to “flatten” the columns in a chain like this. This is what leads to the tuple ('carat', 'mean')
in sort_values
.I think this little maneuver captures the essence of the differences between dplyr
and pandas
. Basically, pandas can do it, but it’s not “opinionated” about how you do things (Hadley’s words, not mine) and therefore the way(s) to do it are not as streamlined.
ingI think where ggplot2
really started to sing for me was when I (finally) figured out how “tidy” data worked, and how to employ tidyr::gather
and tidyr::spread
in a data wrangle chain.
For example, say we want to plot separate histograms of the x, y, and z columns. Well, we could loop through 3 ggplot commands, specifying a different color each time (this is the base R or matplotlib approach, and honestly I don’t mind it), or we can gather
the x-y-z columns into long format so that each diamond corresponds to 3 rows: one for x, one for y, one for z. Now we have a column designating whether it’s x, y, or z, and a column with the corresponding value. Behold:
# tidyr
df %>%
select(x, y, z) %>%
gather(key=dim, value=mm) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 2
dim mm
<chr> <dbl>
1 x 3.95
2 x 3.89
3 x 4.05
which sets us up to do a “grammar of graphics”-style plot like this
df %>%
mutate(price.cat = cut(price, breaks=3, labels=c('low', 'med', 'high'))) %>%
select(price.cat, width=x, depth=z) %>%
gather(key=dim, value=mm, -price.cat) %>%
filter(mm < 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=mm, fill=dim)) +
geom_density(alpha=0.5) +
facet_wrap(~price.cat) +
For pandas
the equivalent is
tidyr |
pandas |
gather |
melt |
spread |
pivot |
Also in the pandas toolbox is stack
and unstack
, and pivot_table
, depending on the structure of the DataFrame. See this post or the docs for a little more thorough discussion.
Can we reproduce the 9-line beauty from above in pandas
? Let’s start with the data structure:
.assign(pricecat = pd.cut(df['price'], bins=3, labels=['low', 'med', 'high']))
.filter(['x', 'z', 'pricecat'])
.rename(columns={'x': 'width', 'z': 'depth'})
.melt(id_vars=['pricecat'], value_vars=['width', 'depth'],
var_name='dim', value_name='mm')
pricecat dim mm
0 low width 3.95
1 low width 3.89
2 low width 4.05
3 low width 4.20
4 low width 4.34
We did it! It’s almost identical! We did have to add a line to rename columns, since dplyr
’s select
was cheating by doing double-duty as rename
. But biggest difference, to me, is that melt
wants you to specify the list of where information is coming from, whereas tidyr::gather
wants you to specify where the information is going to. This is fine by me though, and maybe even makes more sense.
Now to plot it.
First, a straightforward approach. Second, a trick.
A straightforward thing to do would be to just save the DataFrame and then plot it, for example,
df2 = (df
.assign(pricecat = pd.cut(df['price'], bins=3, labels=['low', 'med', 'high']))
.filter(['x', 'z', 'pricecat'])
.rename(columns={'x': 'width', 'z': 'depth'})
.melt(id_vars=['pricecat'], value_vars=['width', 'depth'],
var_name='dim', value_name='mm')
.query('2 < mm < 10'))
g = sns.FacetGrid(data=df2, col='pricecat', hue='dim')
g.map(sns.kdeplot, 'mm', shade=True, alpha=0.5).add_legend()
+ seaborn
trickBut we can do better. pandas.DataFrame
exposes a pipe
method that allows us to pipe in any method we want. To include: plotting methods.
.assign(pricecat = pd.cut(df['price'], bins=3, labels=['low', 'med', 'high']))
.filter(['x', 'z', 'pricecat'])
.rename(columns={'x': 'width', 'z': 'depth'})
.melt(id_vars=['pricecat'], value_vars=['width', 'depth'],
var_name='dim', value_name='mm')
.query('2 < mm < 10')
.pipe((sns.FacetGrid, 'data'),
col='pricecat', hue='dim', height=6)
.map(sns.kdeplot, 'mm', shade=True, alpha=0.5)
I’ll omit the image because it’s essentially identical to the previous. The main trick is the tuple (sns.FacetGrid, 'data')
that sends the DataFrame
to the data
arg of FacetGrid
But how cool is that: this is nearly identical to a tidyverse+ggplot approach, almost line-by-line. Biggest difference is perhaps having to facet first. I am really satisfied that I can wrangle a DataFrame
and pipe
it directly into a viz.
Here’s another for good measure, with some longer query
and FacetGrid
.query('cut in ["Ideal", "Good"] & \
clarity in ["IF", "SI2"] & \
carat < 3')
.pipe((sns.FacetGrid, 'data'),
row='cut', col='clarity', hue='color',
.map(sns.scatterplot, 'carat', 'price', alpha=0.8)
We have the not-surprising result that price increases super-linearly with caret. Maybe interesting is how steeply the increase occurs with “internally flawless” (IF) diamonds, regardless of cut-quality, compared with “slightly included” diamonds.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: sometimes this type of method-chaining feels like trying to line up all the targets perfectly so you can get everything you want with one shot. And yet often it’s easier, nicer, even faster, to just walk over and smash the targets one by one with a hammer. And by hammer I mean matplotlib and a for-loop.
Here’s an example. Let’s say we want to visualize a scatterplot of price vs. carat for all diamonds in the dataset, but highlight the datapoints corresponding to the highest quality combination of cut/clarity. Here’s the most elegant way I can figure to do this as a “one-liner”:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,8))
pal = dict(zip(df['color'].unique(), sns.color_palette('Set1', desat=.9)))
pal['Other'] = (1,1,1)
.assign(nice = np.where((df['cut']=='Ideal') & (df['clarity']=='IF'), df['color'], 'Other'))
.sort_values(by='nice', ascending=False)
.pipe((sns.scatterplot, 'data'),
x='carat', y='price',
hue='nice', hue_order=np.append('Other', list('DEFGHIJ')),
Note the contortions we have to undergo to make this work: a new column with color for the special group and “Other” for others (seems sensible), sort so the “Other” rows are first and thus get plotted first in the scatterplot (hmm a little sketchy but ok nice trick), create a custom palette with white for “Other”, then put a very light edge around all points so we can see the white ones but they’re not distracting.
Exhausting, and in this case, a little silly. Here’s a hammer-smash-bottle approach that creates nearly an identical plot (perhaps an even better one):
df2 = (df
.assign(nice = np.where((df['cut']=='Ideal') & (df['clarity']=='IF'), df['color'], 'Other')))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,8))
ax.scatter(data=df2.query('nice == "Other"'), x='carat', y='price',
c=[[0.92,0.92,0.92]], s=20, alpha=0.2)
sns.scatterplot(data=df2.query('nice != "Other"'), x='carat', y='price',
hue='color', hue_order=list('DEFGHIJ'),
palette='Set1', s=30, alpha=0.9, ax=ax)
So it involved creating a duplicate of df
, which might be prohibitive for very large or streaming datasets, but it’s way easier to understand, write, debug, etc.
in those pipe
commands. (And pyplot.scatter
support column name indexing now!) Also, pretty sure you could also use Altair
or other plotting methods as well but I haven’t yet tried.tidyverse
allows a mix of quoted and unquoted references to variable names. In my (in)experience, the convenience this brings is accompanied by equal consternation. It seems to me a lot of the problems solved by tidyeval
would not exist if all variables were quoted all the time, as in pandas, but there are likely deeper truths I’m missing here…Thanks for reading! Feedback always welcome.
Written on August 8th, 2018 by Steven Morse